Pregnant Ivanka Trump Wants You To Know That She Is At Work On Her Due Date
Ivanka Trump, known for her uncompromising work ethic and business dexterity, is expecting a baby girl today but is heading into the office anyway. The executive vice president and jewelry designer famously said that she had meetings scheduled for two weeks after her baby was due as well as plans to move her jewelry business to a new location in downtown NYC this fall.
This tweet aside, given Ivanka’s statements to the press we obviously knew that Ivanka had no intention of letting motherhood decelerate her business ventures. But her compulsion to tweet about her dedication to her business reads more like an assurance to the public that she has not lost sight of her priorities on the cusp of motherhood. Convincing co-workers and bosses that motherhood has not dislodged your passion for your job is often something many working mothers must do, but Ivanka’s not so subtle reminder just seems like straight up bragging.