Do We Really Need To Buy Organic Food For Our Kids?
Being a mom is hard. It can overwhelming to try and think about all of these decisions we have to make when it comes to keeping our families safe, happy and healthy. One of these decisions is feeding our kids. This is the kind of thing that everyone seems to have an opinion about, and it can be hard to objectively sort out whats best for your own family.
When it comes to food, one decision that parents make is whether it is necessary to feed their children organic foods. Organic foods are often lauded as the safer, healthier option. There are many people out there that claim that they would never feed their children anything other than organic foods. However, is it necessary?
The cost difference between organic and regular foods is pretty noticeable. And while we’d all love to just be able to buy what we want, this isn’t always possible for a variety of reasons. So it’s important to know whather or not buying organic is truly necessary, or just a lot of hype.
The question is- do we really need to buy organic for our kids?
Organic vs. Regular Foods
“Organic” is a term that refers to farming practices. These practices are meant to promote soil quality, natural behavior, and sustainable systems. There are also certain things that are not permitted with organic farming. This includes synthetic products or chemical treatments. Ultimately, the term “organic” is supposed to signal a more sustainable and natural method of farming. This is why organic products are typically considered safer for ingestion, once it gets down to the consumer level.
In the US, there is a certified organic program, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture giving out seals as proof to certify that products are organic. The USDA regulates and monitors how food is produced in order for it to get the certified organic seal.
Are Organic Foods Better For You?
According to this post published by Harvard University, organic produce may have less pesticide residue than regular produce, however they cite that most studies have found that there is no nutritional difference. When it comes to meat, organic produced meats do not contain hormones and antibiotics.
According to WebMD, some concerns have been raised about the safety of organic foods, considering they do not use the same methods of pesticides and fertilizers. Some people have expressed concerns that soil using manure increases the risk of foodborne illness such as e coli. It’s important to note that no matter where you get your produce, it’s important to rinse it properly to prevent bacterial illness.
Ultimately, if you are worried about pesticide residue, then you might be more inclined to choose organic. Similarly, if you are concerned about supporting more ethical and sustainable farming, then you might also choose organic. However, it doesn’t seem that there is any nutritional reason to definitively say organic is “better”. Your choice depends on your reasons. And of course, it has been pretty well established that organic simply costs more, which can be a barrier for some.
What’s Important for Your Kids
At the end of the day, what’s really important is that your kids’ nutritional needs are being met. This includes having lots of fresh produce, whether it be organic or otherwise. It can be really difficult to get kids to eat heathy, which includes a variety of different foods. Focusing on making sure they have access to nutritious foods is a way better use of your time and energy than agonizing over whether or not to go organic.
Ultimately, if you are worries about pesticide residue, you could always buy some organic foods, and some regular. The list of the “dirty dozen” and the “clean fifteen” can be a good resource for deciding which things to buy in organic, and which things you might be ok to buy regular.
It is not necessary to buy organic food for your kids.
However if doing so makes you feel good about how you are feeding your family, then by all means, go right ahead!
The fact remains that although there may not be a nutritional difference, there are still very valid reasons why you may choose to buy organic.