Morning Feeding: The Blogosphere Hates Georgia’s Tough New Anti-Childhood Obesity Campaign
Experts argue that the campaign isn’t constructive ”” it denounces the problem without offering a solution (Motherlode)
Did Lord Byron invent the celebrity weight-loss craze? (DoubleX)
Jack Osbourne lunches with pregnant fiance (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Fergie says that she may have a baby soon (Holly Baby)
Feed a family for $100 a week (
15 signs your marriage will end in divorce (YourTango)
Is Dakota Fanning too young for Cosmo? (The Frisky)
Name the horrible crabs (The Hairpin)
How to apply eyeshadow (Truth In Aging)
Celebrity smiles and frowns (YouBeauty)
Why Demi Moore would make a decent Gloria Steinem (HuffPo Women)
10 quick fixes to organize your craft space (Babble)