Morning Feeding: How Much Television Is Your Kid Really Exposed To?
Even when they aren’t “watching,” the television can have an effect. (
10 annoying guests you’re bound to find at Thanksgiving Dinner. (The Stir)
What happens if liberals start having more babies? (DoubleX)
Sarah Jessica Parker makes the school run. (Celeb Baby Laundry)
How to handle your mother-in-law during the holidays. (YourTango)
Fiona Apple cancels her tour to be with her dying dog. (The Frisky)
The Mulholland Pie. (The Hairpin)
How your Facebook appetite is costing you loads. (YouBeauty)
How to do a polyamorous Thanksgiving right. (HuffPo Women)
What pre-schoolers are really thankful for. (Babble)
(Photo: greenland/Shutterstock)