Homophobic Mothers Hate On JC Penney For Partnering With Ellen DeGeneres
JC Penney has record of not making wonderful decisions when it comes to families, specifically when they were caught hawking horrendously sexist shirts for little girls. But since the company has announced their partnership with Ellen DeGeneres, JC Penney appears to want to make amends in choosing a celebrated and noteworthy woman with which to fuse their brand identity. But a group called One Million Moms is asking that JC Penney fire the spokesperson for ignoring their customers with traditional family values because Ellen is a lesbian. And there never was a person who was both gay and pro-family, let me tell you.
The group has accused the clothing company of “jumping on the pro-gay bandwagon” with having the gall to uphold an openly lesbian talk show host as their spokesperson. The group writes on their website:
Degeneres is not a true representation of the type of families that shop at their store. The majority of JC Penney shoppers will be offended and choose to no longer shop there. The small percentage of customers they are attempting to satisfy will not offset their loss in sales.
GLAAD is already on this culture war, urging consumers, parents, and especially JC Penney to retain their partnership with Ellen with the Twitter campaign #StandUpForEllen. A Change.org petition has already been thrown together in which you can show your support for JC Penney’s decision.
Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs and Communications at GLAAD, wrote to RadarOnline.com that choosing Ellen DeGeneres demonstrates not just a solidarity with the LGBTQ community, but also a recognition of those individuals in our society:
”Selecting an out performer who has inspired and entertained millions, is not only a smart business practice, but a reflection of how LGBT Americans today are an integral and valued part of the fabric of our culture.”
JC Penney may indeed be “jumping on the pro-gay bandwagon,” but it’s high time that description come to be used as a positive indicator rather than slander. When I interviewed mothers regarding the recent panic over Girl Scouts becoming “pro-lesbian” after allowing transgender girls to participate, a mother named Shannon told me, “As to the idea that the Girl Scouts are ‘pro-lesbian,’ well I hope so. They’re ‘pro-girl’ and some girls are lesbians.”
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(photo: WENN)