Horrible Monster Caught In Court Trying To Frame Sons For His Own Child Pornography
Everything about this story needs to come with a trigger warning, because it involves a man who got caught having downloaded and copied child pornography, and then made it even worse.
I should not be surprised by the amount of evil of which a human being is capable, especially when that human being has been found in possession of large amounts of child pornography. But a middle-aged man in Coventry, England, managed to double-down on his own evil when he got caught with a collection of child pornography and then tried to frame his own sons with it.
According to The Coventry Telegraph, 43-year-old Andrew Martin was found with footage of children being raped. Martin had reportedly downloaded the images and then copied them to CDs, which were found in his possession. Some of the footage involved video of girls as young as five being raped. When caught, Martin tried to insist the footage did not belong to him, and then he told police that the footage belonged to his sons. First he blamed his 17-year-old son for the footage, then suggested it might have been his older son. Martin must not have known that the police could tell how old the footage was, because it was made between 2001 and 2003. At that time, Martin’s 17-year-old was just three or four years old, and his older son was not more than six.
Martin is scum. Trying to frame one’s own son for possession of child pornography is a stunning act of evil that somehow goes above and beyond the already horrible act of collecting child pornography in the first place. If Martin’s attempted frame job had been successful, he could have sent his own innocent children to prison and had them registered as sex offenders for crimes he committed.
Luckily the judge was not fooled.
“What is shameful is that when caught, he sought to blame his 17-year-old son, who would have been three or four at the time,” the judge said at sentencing.
Martin spent seven months in custody during the trial, and after he was convicted he was given “a three-year community sentence and ordered to take part in a sex offenders’ program for three years and to live at a probation hostel for the first six months.” Martin is also required to register as a sex offender for five years.