Evening Feeding: Kate Price Defends Her Disabled Son
Katie Price says that she would never trade her disabled son Harvey for an able-bodied child (Daily Mail)
The Baby Project, a blog that will follow nine pregnant women who are due to give birth this summer, launched last Friday (NPR)
Dan Savage makes non-monogomy sound pretty sensible (DoubleX)
Change your bedding with the seasons (ShelterPop)
Victoria Beckham refuses to pose nude while pregnant (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Why is advice on food allergies so confusing? (Parents.com)
One of three abortion providers in Kansas will receive a license to continue services (AP)
Being married doesn’t make you a relationship expert (YourTango)
A woman’s lot in life is to be constantly replenishing her panty drawer (The Frisky)
Men freaking out about their jobs and kids (The Hairpin)
Go The Fuck To Shul: a re-imagining of the bestseller (Tablet)