The Crayola Facebook Page Was Hacked, And The Results Were Disturbing And Hilarious
Crayola’s Facebook page got a whole lot more interesting for a few hours yesterday when some tech-savvy knaves hijacked the Crayola Facebook page and filled it with jaunty little pictures of cartoons having sex. The R-rated links went on for some time while commenters freaked out and the Crayola Twitter feed moaned that it knew what was going on, but was helpless to stop the Facebook page’s rampage.
According to AdWeek, on Sunday the official Crayola Facebook page started posting links to R-rated content and some raunchy but still Facebook-safe pictures of cartoons in suggestive situations, like this:
Oh boy, looks like someone wasn’t paying attention. #crayolahack
”” Kat Homnack (@KHomnack) January 12, 2015
Crayola eventually got its page back and engaged in some good old-fashioned corporate groveling to apologize to its fans.
“Our sincere apologies to our Facebook community for the inappropriate and offensive posts you may have seen here today. Please be assured the official Crayola page has been restored. We can’t thank our fans enough for the feedback and support we received while working to resolve the issue ”¦ you truly are the best and we look forward to an exciting and creative 2015!”
Most of the commenters on the Crayola Facebook page seemed pretty chill about the whole experience, though. Several commented that they knew it wasn’t Crayola posting cartoon porn, but they thought some of the cartoons were pretty funny. Small children aren’t supposed to be on Facebook anyway, so it was safe all around.
Photo: Facebook/Crayola