9 Baby Names For Crazy Cat Ladies
Hana Graham suffers from borderline personality disorder. She’s working with her team of medical professionals to plan a baby and we asked her to write about the process.
Ladies, you don’t need to drop your crazy cat lady swag when you pop out a baby. Let me help you. I’ve compiled a small list of (mostly) subtle and acceptable baby names whose meanings and/or origins have a special cat person shine to them. So without further ado, here are some crazy cat lady baby names that are totally acceptable to give to a child. Hooray!
1.Ari or Leo

Let’s start off with what are probably the least crazy names on this list. Both mean ”lion”, and they’re both super cute. Ari can be lengthened or shortened to Ariel, Ariella, whatever you want. Leo is pretty versatile as well. And lions are big cats. It works for me!
2.Catarina (Cat for short, obvs)

This name is super cool because Catarina the name of Edgar Allen Poe‘s cat. So it’s a sneaky one. Except for the obvious nickname of ”Cat”. Also, Poe is super goth and awesome.
Or just go with Cat but you have to name your next cat ”Child.”
Alternate options: Fleshbaby vs. Furbaby. These don’t really fit the list well though. That’s like, crazy cat lady names that are totally obviously crazy cat lady names, and will probably get your kids taken away by CPS. And your cats taken away too. Yeah, forget this suggestion.
3. Kitty
I don’t recommend this because this is all I see when I hear that name. But if you, for some reason, have never seen Arrested Development, go for it. You should probably go rent the entire box set of Arrested Development first, though, before you decide, and before you ever try to be friends with me. You just gotta SAY GOODBYE TO THESE, MICHAEL.
4. Bartholomew
Sure, you could call him Bart for short, but you could also call him…mew. Meeeew! Like a kitten. Mew mew mew!
5. Dinah

This is my favorite kitty name ever because I’m completely obsessed with everything related to Alice in Wonderland ever, and my husband won’t let me name any kids Cheshire or even Alice. I tried to get him to go for Dinah as a name for our newest kitten but he wouldn’t bite. So someone out there, please name your daughter Dinah for me.
6. William/Willamina

Another one for the cat lover and the book lover at the same time. Charles Dickens thought his cat was a boy and called it William. Turns out Dickens was bad at gendering cats, because William turned out to be a girl. To be fair, that does happen often with cats. And so she was renamed Willamina!
7. Oliver

Similarly to the Arrested Development mention, if Oliver & Company was not one of your favorite movies as a kid, get out of my face. If you don’t even know what it is, we can’t be friends. It’s the amazing adventures of a tiny ginger kitten who befriends a pack of dogs and it’s awesome. From what I remember anyway. Since we’re making a baby pretty soon, I have promised not to rewatch all my old favorite kids movies until we have kids. Oliver is also a sneaky name, like a lot of these, no one ever has to know your kid is named after a cartoon kitten!
8. Felina

It made the big names list in 2013…totally a sign it’s socially acceptable, right? I’m just kidding, this name sounds a little weird. It means ”cat” though. Aside from naming your child ”Cat” this is the only name on the list that literally means ”cat”. However, it’s also the name of the finale episode of Breaking Bad so…yeah. Maybe not the best idea. Unless you love cats AND meth!
9. Starvo McBiteyface or Cheekyboots McNeedleclaws

Just kidding, those names are totally taken already.
(Image:getty images)