Morning Feeding: Is Cameron Diaz Trying For A Baby?
Is newlywed Cameron Diaz already trying for a baby? –Ok! Magazine
“Shit You Left Behind” is the perfect catharsis for recent break-ups –The Frisky
15 easy tips on how to eat healthier without going crazy –Gurl
Two more women have joined the defamation suit against Bill Cosby –Newser
You’ll totally relate to Anne Hathaway‘s New Year’s resolution –Bustle
13 lookalike celeb pairs you always get confused, according to Reddit –Crushable
Cara Delevigne‘s tribute to her grandmother is absolutely beautiful –The Gloss
This Meghan Trainor fitness parody is just wrong on so many levels –Blisstree
30 things that are better than having a boyfriend –The Frisky
Photo: Clemens Niehaus/Future Image/