Badass All-Woman Motorcycle Club Delivers Breast Milk to Babies
(Facebook/Sirens Women’s MC of NYC)
The New York Milk Bank collects and delivers donor milk for premature babies, and as if that weren’t badass enough, they’ve found the coolest delivery method in the entire world, because the milk is hand-delivered by an all-female motorcycle club.
According to the New York Post, the Sirens MC of New York City is a club of women bikers with a seriously cool job. They’re working with the New York Milk Bank to deliver breast milk to area hospitals as quickly as possible.
Donor milk is very important to premature babies, who are more susceptible to life-threatening illnesses including necrotizing entercolitis if they have to be fed formula. Full-term babies can thrive on formula, but doctors advise premature babies to be fed human milk. Some mothers can’t produce enough milk for their babies, though, and a traumatic or premature birth can make it even more difficult. When the baby can’t be given milk from its own mother, milk from human donors is essential.
The New York Milk Bank has been collecting milk from donors who have an excess supply. The milk bank tests the women’s blood, accepts the milk donation, pasteurizes the milk, then prepares it for delivery. That’s when the Sirens MC comes in. Speed is of the essence when a hospital needs milk for premature babies. If a hospital needs milk, they need it now, so the NY Milk Bank wants to get the milk there as fast as possible. Traffic in New York can be very slow for cars, but it’s much less of a problem for motorcycles, which can just go between stuck cars or pull off to the side and zoom past traffic jams.
When the NY Milk Bank asked the Sirens MC for help, the club responded with an enthusiastic yes.
The Sirens MC is New York’s oldest women’s motorcycle club, and it’s for “any woman, any bike.” It’s pretty awesome to see these strong, amazing women riding around New York on their motorcycles like total badasses, and walking into hospitals carrying their packages of life-saving breast milk for premature babies.
The New York Milk Bank is currently in the market for a bigger and more efficient pasteurizer so they can get even more milk to the babies that need it. They’re looking for donations at