Adele Is Superwoman, Somehow Stresses Less Now That She Has A Baby
Adele was predictably adorable and wonderful at the Grammy Awards last night. She predictably won awards. But during the endless red carpet chit chat that celebs are subjected to, Adele said one thing that I wasn’t expecting. The British pop star and everyone’s favorite mom crush said that she somehow manages to be less stressed now that she’s a mom. Of all of Adele’s incredible accomplishments, am I the only person who is blown away by this one?
As a new mom, I was a big old ball of stress. I stressed about those stupid swaddling instructions. I stressed about my breast milk supply. I stressed about sleep schedules and getting back to work and whether organic cotton was really necessary and worth the cost. Motherhood was like a whole new lesson in stress.
But no. Not the amazing Adele. When asked how new motherhood was treating her, the award-winner said, ”I haven’t been as stressed out. In life you have to prioritize what you stress about and worry about when you have a child.”
Well isn’t she the sage one.
In some ways, I can understand what Adele is saying. Your priorities often change when you have a child. You worry less about mundane office drama or awkward social situations, maybe. But I guess I just wasn’t as put together as this young mom. I replaced those stressors with a whole new array of worries about raising my little one.
Once again, I find myself in awe of Adele. I’m beginning to believe that the lady might be superhuman. She’s adorably charming. She has a voice that doesn’t belong on this planet. And now, she finds motherhood to be less stressful.
I don’t know if I’m more jealous of her or of her little son, reportedly named Angelo, who gets to have Adele sing him nursery rhymes every day.
(Photo: Adriana M. Barraza/WENN)