9-Year-Old Girl Hangs Herself After The Very Unwelcome Arrival Of A Younger Sibling
Blended families can admittedly be rough but struggling with how to love stepchildren doesn’t even compare to a child ultimately taking her life. Such is the tragedy of 9-year-old Justice Williams who hung herself after the birth of her baby half-brother.
New York Daily News reports that 31-year-old Tamiqua Torres, who kept a personal mommy blog, had given birth to a baby boy eight months ago. She married Justice’s stepfather in 2011. When the little girl learned that she was going to be a big sister, she reportedly told relatives that she ”wanted to die.”
Justice was taken to a therapist for her troubles, and her family believed that the issue had been resolved. On her mother’s personal parenting blog, which has now been taken down, Tamiqua even wrote that Big Sister was adjusting. The little girl’s grandfather also noted that there didn’t seem to be any “conflict” between the kids.
But Justice nevertheless committed suicide:
Torres, 31, found her daughter’s lifeless body hanging from the shower’s metal frame in the family’s Wallace Ave. home about 9:30 p.m. Sunday….
”It’s an unforeseen tragedy,” [grandfather Wardel Fenderson], Tamiqua Torres’ father, said Monday. ”I’m feeling like a block of ice. I’m numb.”
New York Daily News describes the little girl’s death as perhaps incentivized “by jealous resentment of her newborn brother.” But clearly there was a lot more pain going on with young Justice than just your standard case of older sibling jealousy.
(photo: Andrew L. / Shutterstock)