20 Perfect Toddler Lunches That Will Make You Feel Like A Crappy Mom
Anyone who ever said parenthood is not a competition either lives in a bubble, or wishes that they did. Everyone here is a grownup (or a 9-year-old who knows how to work the internetz), so it’s safe to assume that we all know that we are not supposed to compare ourselves as parents, or our craft projects on Pinterest or so-and so’s Facebook life to our own. But having said that, many of us do. Even if we try not do. So in the spirit of mocking The Parent Olympics, let’s all in indulge in some Pinterest-worthy food porn for toddlers.
I’ve made many a toddler lunch in my day. Generally, those lunches tend to look like this:
(photo: joniedelman)
Not exactly pleasing to the eye, but the kid eats. Mission accomplished. However, the next 20 toddler lunches go well beyond function. They are art. And we can all aspire. Or not and simply order more pizza. YAY!
1. Drumstick perfection
The foil is what really makes this enviable.
(photo: Biggie*)
2. Rice faces
First of all, I’m amazed that your kid would even eat rice with anything in it.
(photo: tomono♪♪)
3. Creative with cones
Great for those kids who bitch about the ice cream and just want the soggy cone.
(photo: eclectic_chica)
4. Squid sausage
I do this with my sauages all the time. You don’t?
(photo: Biggie*)
5. Shoes as sandwiches
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
6. Cheese as stars
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
7. Cucumbers as flowers
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
8. Puzzle pieces over meat rolls
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
8. Star Wars, round two
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
9. Hiding chicken
(photo: bentomom)
10. Pre-rolling your kid’s meat and cheese
They make the most perfect little rolls.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
11. The wheels on the bus….
…make your kid’s lunch go round.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
12. Critters in the food
Legit question: do you think those critters are edible or just decoration?
(photo: sherimiya ♥)
13. Elmo
You knew he would show up sooner or later.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
14. The puzzle pieces are back
With more meat and cheese rolls.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
Kicking it up a notch.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
16.Oscar the Grouch
Because he matches the green theme you have set for this meal.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
17. Cheese…. suns?
What do you do with the scraps from said cheese suns, I wonder. Give them to the dog?
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
18. Elmo 2.0
Back again.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
19. Sandwich hearts
In a pink container! Could appropriately follow that shoes and grape ring number.
(photo: anotherlunch.com)
20. Pig faces
Show off.
(photo: alitak888)