Zoe Saldana Gets Refreshingly Real About How Hard Life Post-Pregnancy Can Be, Even For Celebrities
Last November, actress Zoe Saldana and her husband welcomed twin boys. Though we’ve seen her looking great on the red carpet since then, we haven’t heard much since. I don’t know about you, but I just kind of chalked it up to “oh, well, she’s famous so of course she looks like she never even ate a Big Mac before let alone birthed two babies.” We see it time and time again, where female celebrities are back in their “bikini bods” five seconds after giving birth, giving credit to “breastfeeding” and “running around after kids” as the reason for their 50+ pound weight loss in eight weeks. We rarely, if ever, hear the truth about how hard it is to not just get your body back, but get yourself
back after giving birth.
Zoe recently opened up on her facebook page about her personal struggle, and while there’s definitely that air of celebrity about it (ahem, personal trainer, ahem), it’s refreshingly honest and real. You can read the whole thing here, but this is gist of it:
Hi everyone,
As you all know, we welcomed twin boys last November. Yes, by far, the most amazing experience of my life, but also a very challenging experience when it pertains to my body. I’m sure moms across the world (and dads sometimes) can identify with what I’m about to say.
Your body changes dramatically, inside and out. You grow in places you never knew you could, and you are tired beyond belief. In some cases more than others, your body experiences a kind of trauma through childbirth that is difficult to explain unless you’ve had that experience. My case was like that, everything from my thyroid to my platelets crashed. Thank God, we are all doing great now, but my body was really bent out of shape after the boys were born. Bouncing back feels impossible, but I know it is important as a woman, and now a mommy, to not give up. I am determined to get my energy back and find balance for my body before these little guys start walking, and before I go back to work….. my clock is ticking!
She goes on to talk about her personal diet and exercise journey, and her weight during pregnancy. While I kind of can’t help thinking that imposing a harsh deadline on yourself could potentially pose more frustration and/or pressure, I think it’s pretty cool that she’s sharing her difficulties and determination for not looking good, but feeling good first.
Now if you’ll need me, I’ll be watching Trisha’s Southern Kitchen and laying on my couch for the next hour. Sorry not sorry.
(Photo: Facebook)
Hi everyone,
As you all know, we welcomed twin boys last November. Yes, by far, the most amazing experience of my life, but also a very challenging experience when it pertains to my body. I’m sure moms across the world (and dads sometimes) can identify with what I’m about to say.
Your body changes dramatically, inside and out. You grow in places you never knew you could, and you are tired beyond belief. In some cases more than others, your body experiences a kind of trauma through childbirth that is difficult to explain unless you’ve had that experience. My case was like that, everything from my thyroid to my platelets crashed. Thank God, we are all doing great now, but my body was really bent out of shape after the boys were born. Bouncing back feels impossible, but I know it is important as a woman, and now a mommy, to not give up. I am determined to get my energy back and find balance for my body before these little guys start walking, and before I go back to work….. my clock is ticking!