Yes, This ‘Bikini’ Onesie Is Tacky But Please Don’t Tell Me It ‘Sexualizes’ Baby Girls
Parents are outraged over a silly little onesie that has a woman’s bikini-clad silhouette printed on the front. They find it inappropriate and offensive, with some going so far as to argue it sexualizes baby girls. Huh? Look, I’m the first to admit it’s tacky to me, this reads as one person’s lame attempt at humor but offensive? Puh-leeze.
WMC-TV picked up the outfit at a Gordman’s store in Southaven, Mississippi. (It’s by a brand called Wild Child and is sized for 18-month-old girls.) Turns out that the majority of parents who spotted it on the news were outraged. “I don’t think it’s appropriate for a small child,” mom Cathryn McKee told the news station. “I just think that is a little ridiculous that you would put that on your child.”
One father echoed her sentiments, adding that he wouldn’t let his daughter wear it because “it gives people the wrong idea too quickly.” Wow. Have we really reached that point where putting a baby in a graphic tee (or onesie, in this case) sends out such a strong message? Sadly, there are many creeps and sickos out there in the world but to assume that a bikini onesie would add fuel to fire seems a bit…paranoid.
Granted, I would never put my own children in that outfit (assuming I had daughters) but that’s because I find it tacky. If I spotted it on another child I’d probably just laugh and accept the fact that it’s nothing more than a joke.