10 Of The Worst Daycare Reviews You’ll Ever Find On Yelp
Daycare reviews and references are kind of a big deal since your kid’s life is at stake. Any good parent will take a moment to research a facility before dropping their kid off with perfect strangers. It just makes sense.
If you’ve already started your daycare research, what you find might scare you. While we all want to look for “the best daycare near me” to find the best child care, sometimes it is fun to look at the worse daycare review examples. Not to worry, the very worst daycare reviews out there aren’t necessarily reflective of the average daycare center. In fact, my husband and I were able to find an amazing in-home daycare provider for my son who goes above and beyond at an affordable price. I made sure to give her a good review on Google to put some positive Internet karma out there. I also wanted her to know that she does an amazing job, and we appreciate her very much.
Part of the daycare review process is to know what not to look for. But reading reviews always leaves you between a rock and a hard place. Can you really believe the reviewer, or were they just mad because things didn’t go their way? Is a daycare truly a horrible, unsanitary place, or was a parent in a bad mood because they didn’t like how their special snowflake was treated?
These worst of the worst Yelp reviews are undeniably bad. Take these terrible reviews as a giant warning and red flag as you search for a safe, respectable daycare for your kid:
1. Very, Very Poorly Rated Teachers.
2. Super Suspicious High Pressure Sales Tactics.
3. It Just Smells Bad.
4. Reports Of Child Abuse.
5. Flat Out Refusal Of Special Needs.
6. No Concept Of Childproofing.
7. Daycare Dictator Is More Like It.
8. A Pathetic Attempt At Customer Service.
9. Just The Worst.
10. Perfect For Parents Who Hate Their Kids.
(Image: fasphotographic/Shutterstock)