Working Mothers Are Generally Healthier Than Stay-At-Home Mommies
Good news for those working mothers who feel like they don’t get enough sleep, eat handfuls of salty snacks, and never get a moment to relax. You may feel like hell, but according to some new research by the American Psychological Association, you’re actually healthier than your stay-home-mom counterparts. And get this — work is actually keeping you healthier.
After studying 1,364 mothers mothers for well over 10 years, researchers concluded that there were considerable disparities in mental and physical health between employed and non-employed mothers, particularly when it came to depression symptoms. Yet, there was no disparity between those mothers working full-time and part-time.
Health News Digest reports that part-time working mothers feel that they are sufficiently involved with their kids while also keeping other ambitions afloat:
The analysis found that mothers employed part time were just as involved in their child’s school as stay-at-home moms, and more involved than moms who worked full time. In addition, mothers working part time appeared more sensitive with their pre-school children and they provided more learning opportunities for toddlers than stay-at-home moms and moms working full time.
Part-time working mothers may have the best of both worlds but given how much our economy has tanked, it’s questionable whether many families can even afford this set up anymore. Even so, getting outside the home or office — or even home office depending on your own arrangement is crucial to essential health. And juggling briefs while swinging by the grocery store and helping assist in your child’s kindergarten class ensures exactly that.
(photo: Shutterstock)