Whiskey-Infused Coffee Is Here for All Your Morning Needs
The best of waking up is no longer Folger’s in your cup. Not when you can have Jack Daniel’s for breakfast! Well … sort of. The company has released a new adult beverage, but this one you’re actually encouraged to drink in the A.M. As opposed to the stares you get when you drink Jack at school drop-off, people can be so rude. Jack Daniel’s whiskey-infused coffee is A-OK to drink before you can even open your eyes all the way.
Before you get too excited about morning boozing, I have some bad news. The whiskey-infused coffee probably won’t get you buzzed. But it doesn’t hurt to try.
According to their website, they’ve taken 100% Arabica beans, and infused them with their signature Tennessee whiskey. The beans are then roasted medium to get that full-bodied flavor we all love. But, here’s the bad news: while the beans are soaked in whiskey, the roasting process burns off any alcohol. There isn’t any actual booze in the coffee, but you are left with a rich flavor with notes of cinnamon and vanilla.
The whiskey-infused coffee is already ground, and comes in regular and decaf. I’ve personally never understood decaf coffee, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Of course, you can always whiskey-up your coffee the old fashioned way, with a Tennessee coffee!
If mimosas are acceptable breakfast beverages, I don’t see why this wouldn’t be. Bet it tastes AMAZING with the whiskey-infused coffee. All you need is coffee, whiskey, brown sugar, and cream. I … need one of those immediately.
You can find Jack Daniel’s whiskey-infused coffee at different retailers, or on their website. It would make a great gift for a whiskey lover! Or just a good way to switch up your coffee routine. It probably tastes amazing, even if it’s not going to take the edge off your morning in a major way.
(Image: Facebook/LOL Memes)