‘When Obama Endorsed Marriage Equality’ Tumblr Is Awesome!
Less than 24 hours after President Barack Obama made history by publicly supporting same-sex marriage, the “When Obama Endorsed Marriage Equality” Tumblr is born. And is it ever funny! Check it out I promise it’ll make you smile.
Speaking of Obama, it turns out his daughters Malia and Sasha were a major force behind his decision to back gay marriage. As Obama himself explained:
“You know, Malia and Sasha, they have friends whose parents are same-sex couples. There have been times where Michelle and I have been sitting around the dinner table and we’re talking about their friends and their parents and Malia and Sasha, it wouldn’t dawn on them that somehow their friends’ parents would be treated differently. It doesn’t make sense to them and frankly, that’s the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective.”
I just loved this quote. It speaks volumes not just about Obama, but also about the innocence of children, and how influential they can be when it comes to shaping our own values.