What To Expect When You’re Expecting Is MILF Central
What To Expect When You’re Expecting, a comedy based on the bestselling book of the same name, hits theaters in May. But the movie posters or rather “character” posters were released today. And, let me tell you, this is MILF Central. Granted, most of the actors in the film aren’t real-life moms, but whatever this is Hollywood, people.
Anyway, I’m both amused and annoyed by these photos. On the one hand, it’s nice to see pregnant women not being portrayed as bloated slobs with cankles. On the other hand, where are all the bloated slobs with cankles?
I wasn’t exactly expecting the latter, but an out-of-place pimple and, say, underarm sweat stains on at least one of these hotties would have made the whole thing at least slightly believable. Instead, we have a glowing Cameron Diaz, who looks like she stuffed a pillow under her shirt five minutes pre-shoot, and a “crazy horny” Brooklyn Decker flaunting stick-think arms.
My favorite is Elizabeth Banks proclaiming, “I’m calling bull$#!%. Pregnancy sucks.” A+ for telling it like it is! But D- on the whole perky and polished bit. I mean, aren’t we supposed to relate to your misery?
Click through the posters below and tell us: who, if anyone, can you relate to the most?