What To Expect When You’re Expecting Being Made Into A Film — ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ Style
If you’re like me, you often tire of poorly written books with little to no significance being distilled into romantic comedies. It seems that anything that seems to resonate with audiences in the slightest will eventually be repackaged into a lukewarm plot in which disappointments and surprises will all be resolved in 90 minutes. Yet, the very popular and informative What To Expect When You’re Expecting has now been tapped for such a endeavor and will start filming in four weeks, slated for a summer release in 2012.
Cameron Diaz has been cast at the lead (after first choice and Bridesmaid starlet Kristen Wiig passed on the offer) with other notables like Jennifer Lopez, Isla Fisher, Ed Holmes making appearances with Kirk Holmes as the director. The plot is speculated to take nuggets from the popular advice book and transpose them to the stories of couples expecting new babies. Much like how infidelity and romantic restless was used to link the couples in He’s Just Not That Into You, I suspect children to be used in a similar fashion.
Watering down the advice in What To Expect When You’re Expecting as fodder for parental dialogue seems more than unnecessary. But given that 90% of mothers subscribe to this pregnancy bible, it was only a matter of time before filmmakers capitalized on the name.
(photo: dymocks.com.au)