What To Expect When You’re Expecting: A Push Present, Of Course!
Parenthood is a joint responsibility in most households. But for couples who bring a child into this world the old-fashioned way, it’s the mother who bears the brunt of the work. While preggers, we’re expected to give up alcohol, cigarettes and copious amount of caffeine. It’s like a forced detox with no immediate benefits aside from, oh, weight gain, nausea and inflatable boobs. Then we push a human life out of our vaginas (or have it removed via c-section) and, if breast milk is on the menu, we’re suddenly this child’s personal, 24-hour buffet station.
It’s all a freakin’ mind-blowing miracle. And a lot of hard work.
Which is why, at the end of the day, I’m a big proponent of push presents (a fancy gift given to a mother by the father of a newborn baby). It’s obnoxious, yes, and a bit silly and Hallmark-ish. But who cares? We deserve it!
Certainly Rodger Berman would agree. The big-hearted hubby of celebrity stylist Rachel Zoe gave her a little something special to celebrate the recent arrival of their baby boy, Skyler Morrison a 10-carat cushion-cut diamond ring by jeweler Neil Lane. (It reportedly cost him $250,000.)
While I’m not suggesting that all new dads dish up that kind of dough, it’s the thought that counts. A 2007 survey by BabyCenter.com of more than 30,000 respondents found that 38 percent of new moms received a push present and 55 percent of pregnant women wanted one. About 40 percent of both groups said the baby itself was present enough and did not wish an additional reward.
Look, having a baby is a blessing. It is truly a gift. And if a couple can’t see that, well, there has to be something wrong with them. But a bit of bling added to the equation never hurt anybody.
(Photo: Celebritybabies.people.com)