10 Clumsy Parents Who Almost Killed Their Kids
I know you’re with me when I say that all I ever think about as a new parent is how not to kill my kids. I would have to say that the newborn stage is probably the worst. They are so tiny and fragile, and their necks are pretty much useless. I remember having terrible vivid images of what could happen if I accidentally dropped one of my newborn sons on the hardwood floor. Thankfully, even though I am clumsy by nature, I never had to find out the hard way.
But other parents aren’t so lucky. Other parents are human and clumsy, just like you and me, and have put their kids in precarious situations. I’m not gonna lie, some of these scenarios may freak you out as a new parent, but most of the stories will help you to realize that you’re not alone in your penchant to almost-always-accidentally kill your baby.
Here are 10 well-meaning parents who almost killed their kids:
1. Babies And Stairs Never Mix.
2. Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare Plays Out.
3. Scratch That: Forgetting A Kid In The Car Is Definitely Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare.
4. Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare Part 3: Stealthy Toddler Escapes The House.
5. Newborn Skull Fractures = A Lifetime Of Parental Guilt.
6. Throwing A Baby Is Not As Hilarious As It Sounds.
7. Not Even A Little Funny: A Baby On The Roof.
8. This Is Why I Never Take My Kids Grocery Shopping.
9. Don’t Mind Me, Just Feeding My Kid To The Whales.
10. There Is Clearly A Curse On This Family.
(Image: MitarArt/Shutterstock)