‘Wanted Dead Or Alive’: Father Puts Bounty On Daughter’s Boyfriend
In an apparent attempt to “protect” his daughter, California dad Domingos Jose Oliveira posted “dead or alive” signs for his 20-year-old daughter’s boyfriend Sean Kirk and offered a $3,000 reward for his death. Oliveira, 49, has since been sentenced to seven years in prison for making a death threat and soliciting murder.
Overprotective father much? Actually, it’s way worse than that. Early media reports show that Oliveira’s issue with 33-year-old Kirk is that he’s a registered sex offender. And, while we don’t support putting a hit on someone, we can certainly understand this guy’s utter dismay. As Oliveira’s lawyer Michael Earle argues: “I think he was looking out for his daughter. As most people, any father would. I mean what father wants his daughter dating a registered sex offender?”
But it goes way beyond that. Turns out Oliveira had a problem with the fact that Kirk is black. Prosecutors said he went so far as to have his daughter sign a “death contract” if she ever dated a black man, reports Fox News. His daughter, Samantha Oliveira, testified that her father had made death threats against other black boyfriends, too.
“From [Oliveira’s] standpoint, it’s difficult to be remorseful when you’re trying to do the best thing for your kid,” Earle tells Fox News. “Whether it’s right or wrong, to him it was the correct call to protect his daughter.”
Uh, sorry, we’re not buying it. Overprotective or not, this guy’s a racist.
(Photo: foxnews.com)