All I Want For Christmas Is ‘Vader’s Little Princess’
Alright, I can’t be the only one who was obsessed with Jeffrey Brown‘s awesomely adorable book, “Darth Vader And Son.” You didn’t have to be a huge fan of Star Wars to understand just how perfect this illustrated book was. Who doesn’t want to see Vader getting some quality time with Luke before all of that nasty hand business?
Well, now there’s great news for every little daddy’s girl out there. Brown is coming out with a Daddy Darth book entitled, “Vader’s Little Princess.” I mean, it only makes sense. Luke was a twin, after all. Leia needs her own book. And if this first illustration is any indication, with Vader having a tea party with Leia and her little Ewok, this sequel will be just as good as the original.
Apparently, Brown announced his follow-up at San Diego Comic Con this year. However, it took the wonderful ladies at The Mary Sue sharing the news for us to hear about it here at Mommyish. Now, I’m just wishing this adorable book would hit Barnes & Noble before Christmas. Let’s all admit that this would be one of the most awesome stocking stuffers ever.
The publisher for “Vader’s Little Princess” described the book like this: “The Dark Lord of the Sith facing the trials, joys and mood swings of raising his daughter Leia as she grows from a sweet little girl into a rebellious teenager.” The tea party scene is adorable, but I can’t wait to see how Vader deals with teenage Leia. I’m hoping the boyfriend Vader hates makes a guest appearance.
Unfortunately, this awesome little book won’t be available for purchase until April 2013. However, if anyone wants to buy me a Mother’s Day gift. I’m just saying… This would be perfect.
(Photo: Comics Alliance)