Using One Embryo In IVF Doesn’t Diminish Chances Of Conception

Traditionally, IVF has always relied on implanting multiple embryos in the hope that one (or sometimes more) will take. It turns out that using just one embryo during the process does not cut chances of successfully conceiving a baby.

Thanks to advances in technology, doctors say we are most likely movingĀ  towards a “single-embryo transfer.”

Jessica Kresowik of the University of Iowa in Iowa City lead a study determining that with younger women, using just one embryo in IVF can be very successful. With older technology, doctors had to implant multiple embryos to achieve those same success rates. At one point, six embryos were used in each round. But considering that twins conceived with IVF account for 17% of all twins, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine says that no more than two embryos should be implanted in women under 35 years old.

At Kresowik’s fertility clinic in 2004, she concluded that women under 38 who received just one embryo in their first round of IVF were more likely to conceive than those who used multiple embryos. Over 65% of women participating in her study gave birth to a live baby.

Judy Stern, a fertility specialist at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, commented that single-embryo transfers can actually increase chances of conception while cutting the chances of twins or triplets — and thereby twin reductions as well.

(photo: Shutterstock)

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