True Life‘s Self-Proclaimed MILF Will Make You Gag
Lacey is mom to 15-year-old Tori and she’s ruining this poor kid’s life with her HUMONGOUS fake breasts. The episode is called True Life: I Have A Hot Mom, but let me tell you there is nothing hot whatsoever about this woman or her boobs. Nada. In fact, they are just weird. For starters, they are way too big for her body or any human being’s body, for that matter and Lacey flaunts them like nobody’s business.
More disturbing than her breast size, however, is her lack of maturity. Poor Tori is excited to spend a day and shopping and hanging at the beach with her mom, but it turns into a nightmare when Lacey goes bathing suit shopping, then proceeds to walk around in public in nothing but her teeny new bikini.
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Later we see Lacey having dinner with Tori and her son, who tells her she’s self-centered. Lacey, unfazed, decides to ride a mechanical bull and asks her kids to tape it with their cell phones so that she can post it to YouTube. She also refuses to set her Facebook profile to private because, as she puts it, “I shouldn’t have to. Why’s everybody looking me up?”
By far, the most cringe-worthy part of the show comes at the end, when Tori has a bunch of friends over for pizza. In walks Lacey in the trashiest shirt I’ve ever seen, boobs/cleavage EVERYWHERE, and Tori has to beg her mom to change into something more appropriate. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to have a Janet Jackson moment,” Lacey says with a laugh after hugging one of her daughter’s male friends and exposing a nipple.
I get that this is television and that some of the incidents may have been exaggerated, shall we say, to attract viewers. But even if only a fraction of this scenario is true, it’s enough to make me want to scoop up Tori and take her somewhere far, far away from her trashy mama. (Tori, by the way, is adorable and shockingly normal!) Take a look below.