Too Little, Too Late: Madonna Aims To Be ‘Tougher’ Mom After Catching Lourdes Smoking

lourdes smokingMadonna appeared on the Today show this morning and talked parenting. And, honestly, she sounded like a bit of a dolt. Granted, you’ve got to give her credit for being a single mother of four while still maintaining the Queen of Pop title for all eternity. But still, she hardly made herself out to be a stellar mom. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Here’s a little sampling of what she had to say.

“I don’t think I’m as tough as I should be. I think I need to be maybe tougher.”

The comment was in response to daughter Lourdes smoking a cigarette, something Madge does not approve of. This is typical teenage curiosity/rebellion, but Madonna’s response annoyed me. Hate it say it, but if you’ve been a totally lax parent for 15 years and then suddenly decide it’s time to toughen up, you’ve kind of missed the boat. (It’s like a teacher on the first day of school: start of soft and your students will devour you.)

“It’s hard… Every day is a negotiation.”

Yes, Madge, parenting does involve negotiation, but that’s no excuse for letting your kids get away with crap. My own kids are still young, and at least once a day I have to play bad cop, only to be told, “You’re so mean!” Would I rather it be all sunshine and smiles? Of course. But like all parents out there, I need to think long-term. And so, yes, discipline is a huge part of parenting.

In the interview, Madge says she doesn’t approve of anyone smoking cigarettes, “most of all my daughter.” Correspondent Harry Smith then brings up a music video of Madonna smoking, to which she responds:

“That’s just an accessory, Harry. There’s a difference. [Lourdes] smoked that cigarette before I did that video!”

Um, hi, are you eight years old? Smoke if you want, don’t smoke I don’t care. But Madonna sounds like a child with her lame justifications. Yes, she has struggles like all moms out there; but, well, something tells me she’s not just like us.

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