Time Asks Readers To Ban The Word ‘Feminist’, Sorry Beyonce
Basic publication Time Magazine posted their Worst Words of 2014 list today, asking baes “Which word should be banned in 2015?” On their list: basic, bossy, turnt, YAAAAAASSSS and feminist. “What a great idea!” said no one ever.
I can’t even. It should not surprise anyone that many bossy people find this incredibly insulting, including yours truly. Their blurb reads:
You have nothing against feminism itself, but when did it become a thing that every celebrityhad to statetheir position on whether this word applies to them, like some politician declaring a party? Let’s stick to the issues and quit throwing this label around like ticker tape at a Susan B. Anthony parade.
Pssst, Time – feminism is literally all about sticking to the issues. That’s like, what it’s made up of: equality for women, equal pay, human, civil and reproductive rights, the ability to walk down the street and not be harassed and assaulted. Disrupting the patriarchy. The “label” is being thrown around in an attempt to discuss the issues. Like, come on – what do you not get here. Are you too busy getting turnt to realize what a stupid idea this is?
It’s also incredibly insulting to clump ‘feminist’ into a word list that includes the likes of ‘om nom nom nom.’ Really? That’s what one of our nation’s biggest journalism influencers thinks about the struggle for gender equality?
YAAAAAAASSSSS, I understand the exhaustion that comes with the repetitive questioning of female celebrities. Of course attention to the issues is important. But trivializing feminism, and the word ‘feminist’ itself, is going to do nothing to help that. Not to mention, as writer Gaby Dunn pointed out on twitter, the list is comprised of words “commonly used by young women.” If that doesn’t highlight the importance of and need for feminism, then I don’t know what does.
This infuriates me, obvi. I’m going to go down a kale smoothie in rage. Om nom nom nom nom.
[For fun, I used every word on Time’s list in this post. Sorry not sorry.]
[Photo: Time]