New Netflix Cleaning Show Will Make You Want To Throw Everything Away
A few years ago, a book came out that people either LOVED or absolutely despised. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo inspired some real big feelings from people. Maybe you read it, maybe you wrote it off as dumb. It definitely sparked something of a discussion about our possessions. Kondo’s organization theory applied to your home and your life in general. If something doesn’t bring you joy, throw it away! Which we are down with … in theory. But some of her tactics, like talking to your possessions, were a little out-there for some. Plus it’s hard to throw stuff away, let’s be real. It’s just stuff, but it’s OUR stuff! However, even if you didn’t read/weren’t a fan of the book, her new Netflix show is awesome. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo will have you renting a dumpster in no time.
If you haven’t watched Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, you are missing out. First of all, she’s darling.
Pretty sure Marie Kondo’s smile could cure cancer.
— Carrie Pack, Bi Furious (@carriepack) January 9, 2019
Like this lady LOVES clutter. She loves it! But she’s not judgey and she’s not rude. She’s soothing and helpful and really delightful to see in action. Marie Kondo wants you to be filled with joy. And she wants your home to be filled with things that bring you joy. If that means talking to all five of your spatulas to see which one sparks joy, then so be it. It sounds crazy, we know. But how many of us are bogged down by the stuff we think we love? Or the stuff we think we need?
Watching the show made us very emotional, because we related SO MUCH to so many of the families. The mom who was just overwhelmed trying to juggle a house and two toddlers. The man who felt as though he hasn’t lived up to his parents’ expectations of him (tears, for real). Watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, we were struck by a couple of things. One, we place way too much value on things that are not valuable. And two, so much of our stress and anxiety comes from the stuff we accumulate. We buy it because we think it will make us happy (spoiler alert: it won’t). But then we become unhappy with the burden of trying to manage the stuff. It’s a vicious cycle.
Just like with her book, people have some big feelings about Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. But they’re also jumping on-board with the method.
Hello, I watched one episode of Marie Kondo on Netflix
— Hrishikesh Hirway (@HrishiHirway) January 9, 2019
That looks … amazing. So soothing! So organized. Save the stuff that brings you joy, and make finding it easier. What a simple yet completely mind-blowing concept.
I’m two episodes into #TidyingUp and honestly don’t stand too close to me cuz I might throw you away too.
— Kate Capp (@KCappPSU) January 3, 2019
Pro-tip: the Konmari method will totally work on people in your life. If they don’t spark joy within you, why are they there?! Protect your spaces and only let joy in. Side-note: we hope the wife from the first episode Konmari’s her husband because holy god, that couple is … not good together. Throw the whole man out and find one who brings you joy, honey. Also, this lesson is too late for some of us, but beware of kids because they will absolutely wreck your house. They do, however, bring us joy, so they can stay.