9 Thoughts You’ll Have During An Ultrasound
Having an ultrasound during your first pregnancy is an strange experience. During an ultrasound you get a peek into the inner workings of your body and your growing baby. This can cause emotions to run high and your mind to race in a million different directions. If you’ve experienced an ultrasound, you may relate to this list, and if you’ve yet to have an ultrasound but hope to someday, this is a glimpse of what lies in store. Here are nine thoughts you’ll have while having an ultrasound.
1. Please be the belly wand.

Years of watching pregnant women on television led me to believe that all ultrasounds were performed with a belly wand, but in the early stages of your pregnancy your doctor will use a transvaginal ultrasound, or as I unaffectionately call it– the Wand of Doom. The day that your baby is finally big enough to graduate to the belly ultrasound, you’ll be so grateful that you won’t care how cold the jelly feels on your stomach.
2. Does my stomach look okay?

Unless you’re fastidious about body hair removal, you may lift your shirt for the ultrasound and be surprised to see a wolf pelt where your stomach used to be, not to mention some stretch marks and a funky dark brown line. Your doctor probably doesn’t notice or care but you’ll wonder if those notes they are jotting down are about your baby– or the pop up thermometer that’s replaced your belly button.
3. I can’t see the baby.

About half way through the pregnancy you’ll start to recognize an unmistakable human silhouette, but for the first few ultrasounds it can be hard to tell the baby from your bladder. I nodded along and smiled during my appointments like I knew what the doctor was pointing at, but made my husband show me where the baby was on the ultrasound pictures once we hit the parking lot.
4. That doesn’t look human.

That’s not a baby, it’s a lizard. Or possibly a gummi bear.
5. Are you sure there’s only one in there?

Whether you’re a bargain hunter secretly hoping for a make one baby, get one free special or you can’t get that horror story your birth instructor told you about the woman who had surprise quadruplets out of your head, you may find yourself asking your doctor to do a quick head count while they’re in there.
6. Is the baby healthy?

Doctors and ultrasound technicians can get really quiet while taking routine measurements, but if you have an overactive imagination it’s easy to wonder if their silence is due to concentration or an issue with the baby.
7. Is it a girl or a boy?

After you’ve been assured that everything is progressing normally, it’s natural to wonder what the sex of the baby is. Be careful, even if the ultrasound tech or doctor think they know the gender, mistakes happen.
8. I can’t believe I’m growing a person.

Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones or maybe it’s low blood sugar because you’ve gone too long between snacks, but there will come a moment when the hugeness of what your body is doing will hit you. Whether you react by bursting into tears or singing Beyonce– don’t worry, your doctor has probably seen it all.
9. I need to pee.

As awesome as the sneak peak at your future bundle of joy is, laying down means that bundle is right on top of your bladder. Better ask your doctor to wrap things up before things get messy, there will be plenty of time for that during labor.
(image: wavebreakmedia/shutterstock.com)