The University of North Texas Might Want to Reconsider this Unintentionally Hilarious Coffee Mug
(Via Imgur)
The University of North Texas might not be the place to go if you want to major in coffee mug design, because one Redditor just posted a photo of one of the university’s coffee mugs and, well, you can see it above.
Sure, the truly pure and innocent among us might just be thinking, “What? The school’s initials are UNT. I don’t get it.” But the rest of us are looking at that handle and seeing a big letter C. It seems like the cup designers at the University of North Texas might not have been paying very close attention when they looked at these perfectly innocent coffee mugs.
Then again, perhaps this is totally intentional, in which case the University of North Texas might be the best place to go if you are looking for a master’s degree in trolling, because this big CUNT mug is hilarious.
What do you think? Was this an accident, or does this mug say CUNT totally on purpose?
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