The 10 Biggest Myths About Attachment Parenting

There’s a lot of misinformation flying around about attachment parenting these days. Between that now infamous TIME magazine cover and news that a breastfeeding reality show may be in the works, you don’t need much else to suggest that this method of parenting is the new mommy gawk fest. Like many elements of motherhood and childrearing, the mainstream media tends to love nothing more than taking practices like extended breastfeeding and run with them. Meanwhile, amid all the coverage of breastfeeding poster woman Jamie Lynne Grumet, an approach to parenting is getting routinely distorted — everywhere.

To separate attachment parenting fact from highly sensationalized fiction, Mommyish spoke to Art Yuen, knowledge coordinator at non-profit organization Attachment Parenting International (API). She tells us that although attachment parenting has seen a recent array of press thanks in large part to public interest, many are still misinformed as to what the childrearing credo is all about. As it generally now is with most topics, the extreme or controversial interpretations get all the TV interviews, quotes, and segments, including the usual eye-grabbers, such as breastfeeding a 5-year-old and co-sleeping.

But API informs us that although attachment parenting may often be presented as a smug club of lactivists, this avenue of parenting is actually much more expansive than simply choosing to breastfeed.

Get your attachment parenting questions answered this Friday, July 13th from noon to 1 pm EST on Mommyish’s Facebook page. A representative from API will be answering questions exclusively from our readers. Participate in the chat and also get a chance to win an Earth’s Best gift bag!



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