Top 8 Things Your Family Will Argue About At Thanksgiving Dinner

I just found a hilarious thing on the Huffington Post. A Thanksgiving argument generator. Not that I think most families need something like that. Around my house we call our Thanksgiving argument generator “Nana” (JUST KIDDING NANA, LOVE YOU! *Hides in fear*)
Things can get heated during the holidays, can’t they? “One Thanksgiving weekend, after my mom put the Christmas tree up, my little sisters stole all my underwear and decorated the tree with them. I was fourteen or so, and about as embarrassed as you would imagine. I’m pretty sure someone was punched straight in the face that day. And I’m still plotting my revenge to this day.”This got me thinking about the things other, less insane families argue about on Thanksgiving. Turns out, there is no such thing as a non-insane family. People are seriously live-tweeting their Thanksgiving family arguments. Below is a list of my favorite examples, but there are literally thousands on Twitter. Right now. Families be crazy.
8. Even Thanksgiving isn’t safe from the common core argument…

I vote this as the education topic most likely to cause a food fight.
7. Ah, the inevitability of the holiday row

Like a glass of cranberry juice with no vodka…
6. Naked chef

The real question here isn’t “why would you want to cook a hot turkey and fixin’s without a shirt on.” No. The real question is “why would you want to cook half naked in front of your mom.”
5. Amy for the win

Of course, if this were me I would have made this whole conversation into a sexual innuendo. Because I am a woman of class and grace. DUH.
4. There’s always that one Affleck fan in every bunch…

I just know that the Ben Affleck in Man of Steel argument is going to get at least one person shot this Thanksgiving. Mark my words. My husband made a semi-pro-Affleck joke last week and he was almost banned from dinner altogether.
3. A classy argument if I ever saw one

I would make this conversation sexual too, if given the chance. Also, quiche should be how every argument ends, because quiche is AWESOME.
2. She has a point…

I think “Condom Style” would’ve made it better. And I fully expect to have this argument with my own mother, but only because she like the word “condom.”
1. The argument to end all arguments

‘Nuff said