TGI Friday Open Thread: Tell Us What You Love/Hate About Mommyish Because I’m In Charge Now
We’ve been doing this parenting blogosphere thing for over two years now and we’d like know what you, the devout readers, think of our content. While we always peruse the comment threads for suggestions and criticisms regarding our work, we’re opening this particular thread up to general feedback.
Now that Koa Bambi has left us (sad face) and I’m the Queen editor I’d like to know what you guys want to see more of on Mommyish. And also to let you know that all of you should feel welcome to pitch me stories or send me tips. I would like to see a Daddyish column on Mommyish with a new dad writer doing something for us on occasion. We also always welcome stories from same sex parents or single parents. Plus, those of you awesome childfree or childless readers who are just thinking about having kids or never want kids. So pitch me!
What kinda stuff would you like to see? More food stuff? Home decor junk (Crafts or otherwise)? More baby stage related stuff? Tell us how we can HELP you.
In addition to this, tell me what you are reading, watching, and cooking this weekend… because I need to know these things. Plus I am freakin’ starving. Especially what you are cooking and make me some. Also, due to last weeks Open Thread, we need to hear how weddings went, how pets are doing, if any new hedgehogs are to be had, if people’s friends and loved ones are doing OK and how all your pregnant mamas are feeling!
Have at it and I love youuuu. And Maria and her penis cakes love you toooo.
(Image: Stokkete/shutterstock)