Texas Mom Delivers 16-Pound Newborn, Promptly Returns Newborn Clothes

File this story under “Mollie’s worst nightmares.” An East Texas woman just gave birth to a toddler, basically — a 16 pound, 1 ounce boy. And JaMichael Brown might be one of the biggest babies ever born in the state.

Proud mother Janet Johnson has gestational diabetes and as someone who had that I am glad that my big baby was just over half that size. The baby’s father is reported to be 6-foot-7.

You know how doctors always overestimate the size of your newborn and scare you into having a Cesarean section? Well, doctors that JaMichael would be 12 pounds. Imagine having a child four pounds larger than you’d already been prepping for.

Two years ago, the same Longview hopsital delivered the state’s smallest baby — just 15 ounces. The biggest newborn ever was born in 1879 and weighed 23 pounds, 12 ounces.

My sister gave birth to a baby who weighed over 10 pounds. She’s convinced — absolutely convinced — that the baby was 1 month overdue. And my grandma weighed over 12 pounds at birth. And she was weighed on a legit scale.

My big babies were in the eight to nine pound range. I’m hoping that subsequent pregnancies result in babies not too much larger.

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