Teen Secretly Records ‘Coming Out’ To Mom To Help Other Gay Teens
I would like to think most parents would react exactly the same way as Ryan‘s mom does when he comes out to her as gay. We usually don’t see these exchanges, they are done in private and aren’t broadcast on the internet, but Ryan wanted to be able to help other teens struggling with the decision to come out to their parents. from the You Tube description:
“I made this video because when I was contemplating coming out for the last year, I found other similar videos of people coming out to family members on a hidden camera really helpful,” Ryan notes in the video description. “I noticed that there weren’t very many of these videos, so I wanted to create my own to help other people in the same way… My mom reacted in an amazing way, and I really hope that all of you have a similar experience.”
Enjoy the video, but make sure you have some Kleenex on hand.
[youtube_iframe id=”S5CkCaAbXNk”]
I have so many feelings about this video. I love how sweet and accepting mom is, I love how she was more worried he had run over a pedestrian in his car, and I love how the big old yellow family dog tries to console Ryan when he is crying. Awwwww.
I hope this video spreads like wildfire and gives other teens the courage to talk to their parents and sets a good example for parents about how to react when their teens do come out to them. It’s all so sweet. Good job Ryan and good job Mom. I want to hug both of them.
(h/t: The Huffington Post)