Seemingly Well-Parented Tavi Gevinson To Star In A Film About Poor Parenting
They don’t call it acting for nothing. Young Tavi Gevinson may be the product of awesome and aware parents — at least judging by that recent New York Times profile — but she’ll be starring in a movie about a not so fortunate young lady soon enough.
The Hollywood Reporter writes that the 16-year-old editor-in-chief and –dare I say — “role model” for girls is moving beyond the blogosphere and on to the big screen. The teenager has signed with United Talent Agency and is set to add “starring movie role” to her already extensive resume:
Gevinson and the agency have closed a deal for her to make her acting debut in writer-director Nicole Holofcener‘s untitled new film at Fox Searchlight. She will play Chloe, an only child who never received much attention from her parents, forcing her to grow up faster than her peers.
While I’m no proponent of shuttling young girls to Hollywood by the bus load to go try their hand at being 24/7 professionally bangable eye candy, Tavi has already been able to make a name for herself on much more — suggesting that Team Tavi, including her parents, have chosen this role well. It’s almost unimaginable to think of the amount of professional offers and gigs that probably get pushed this young woman’s way. So for the project to even pique the savvy, self-identified feminist’s interest bodes well not only for her, but for this presently untitled film.
Of course, parents walking their kids onto film sets and into music studios leaves a bad taste in our mouths for a reason. Jessica Simpson and her creepy manager dad and the entire Lohan saga continue to make us cringe because said parents sanction an array of suggestive, exploitative, and at times demeaning presentations for their offspring. But if any young girl could trot off to Hollywood unscathed and unsexualized with her parents in tow, it’s most likely Tavi Gevinson. I’m certainty rooting for her to be the exception to that rule.