This Graphic Post About Circumcision Is Hitting Home for a Lot of Parents
A viral circumcision post is causing quite a stir, and getting a lot of attention from both sides of…
A viral circumcision post is causing quite a stir, and getting a lot of attention from both sides of…
People pierce their baby’s ears all the time, so why not their cheeks, right?! One mom decided to use…
Police in the U.K. arrested three people this week after a furious, anti-circumcision mother says her baby’s grandparents secretly…
(iStock / DragonImages) We sat at the dining room table, my hands resting on my enormous belly. I had just…
When it comes to circumcision, you pretty much only get one shot. You either do it when they’re a…
Well, it’s happening. Science heard the cries of intactivists and unhappily circumcised men everywhere and are now devising a…
A lengthy court battle over the future of one child’s foreskin seems to have finally ended, and yet there…
(Our Grab The Popcorn posts look back at the biggest Mommyish stories of 2014. Read them all here.) Nothing gets…
Parents make choices for their children all the time, and parents of boys have one extra one to ponder:…
A group of anti-circumcision intactivists has taken a page from the anti-choicers, and unfortunately, it’s the ‘being a public…
I am all about religious freedom and a parent’s right to choose circumcision for their son, but these ‘snip…
When it comes to circumcision, I did not need much convincing when it came to how we would handle…
Heather Hironimus and Dennis Nebus had a son in 2010. In 2012 they signed a parenting agreement which included…
Circumcision is one of those topics that inevitably causes arguments. There are people who are really against it, people…