Circumcising Your Child Because You Think An Intact Penis ‘Looks Funny’ Is Absurd
Parents make choices for their children all the time, and parents of boys have one extra one to ponder:…
Parents make choices for their children all the time, and parents of boys have one extra one to ponder:…
I like cut peens and I cannot lie. And so does the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which published…
In a very troubling story of circumcision gone wrong, 30-year-old Mike Moore lost his penis in a botched circumcision…
In case you missed it, we teamed up with The Whole Network, a nonprofit charity, in a Facebook Live…
The topic of circumcision is an interesting one because it brings up quite a bit of outrage. I’m happy…
The Mayo clinic came out with a new study this week, whose author, Brian J. Morris likens not circumcising your child…
Just call me the pot stirrer because I’m back with another circumcision article. But I can’t help it! Blame…