What Should You Pack In Your Hospital For A C-Section?
It’s hard to prepare for the birth of your baby, because there’s just so much that’s left up to…
It’s hard to prepare for the birth of your baby, because there’s just so much that’s left up to…
The c-section rate has been steadily climbing over the last decade around the globe, and experts have tried to…
If you had a c-section, you may be familiar with the practice of “vaginal seeding”. The thinking behind the…
Pregnancy is a magical, wondrous thing. It’s also batshit insane. You are growing an actual human being! Inside of…
We’ve talked before about birth interventions and their impact on maternal health. But a new study, believed to be…
A lot of women, upon finding out they’re pregnant, start planning ahead to their labor and delivery. It’s only…
Katherine Heigl shared a touching and beautiful post on her Instagram account, in honor of her son’s first birthday….
A mother-in-law can be a blessing or a curse. You are either extremely lucky to get a good one,…
Jenny Mollen is brutally honest about pretty much every aspect of her life, and the arrival of the second…
When you get pregnant, one of the questions that might pop up is how you’ll be delivering your baby….
Skin-to-skin contact is one of the best ways a new parent can bond with their baby. It’s especially important…
Anyone who has had a c-section knows that they aren’t even close to being the “easy way out” of delivering…
C-sections are generally safe and they have saved countless mothers and babies’ lives over the years. They’re not completely…
Ah childbirth. What a magical, beautiful, terrifying, frightening experience. That’s what childbirth feels like. There are so many unknown…