Superhero 10-Year-Old Girl Saves Herself From Alligator Attack
In “Reason #10,001 I will never move to Florida,” news, a little girl was swimming in Lake Mary Jane in Orlando when she was the victim of an alligator attack. Instead of waiting to be rescued, this bad-ass 10-year-old pried open the alligator’s jaws and freed herself. Can someone please make a movie about this ASAP? She is the Disney Princess this world needs.
The girl was at the lake with her family and was swimming about ten feet from the shore in water that was two feet deep. The eight-foot, nine-inch alligator chomped down on her leg and refused to let go. That alligator picked the wrong girl to mess with, though, because this one fought back. According to ABC News, the girl used survival techniques she learned at Gatorland Adventure Park. “If you’re ever in a position where a gator grabs ahold of you, the nose is the spot you want to go for,” said Donald Aldarelli, a wrestling trainer at Gatorland.
Witnesses reported that the girl tried punching the alligator in the nose, then poked it in the nostrils.
When none of that worked, she pulled down on the alligator’s bottom jaw, finally freeing her leg.
“To get an animal with the strongest bite on the planet to let go of you is a miracle,” Aldarelli said.
The girl was rushed to a local hospital with puncture wounds on her knee and thigh, but was treated and released. Did anyone check to see if she has literal super powers?
Dead serious. DAMN.
The alligator was caught by a trapper and put down. State officials closed the lake area where the girl was attacked as a precaution.
(Image: iStock / unclegene)