Starbucks Reasonably Handles A Public Diaper Changing Fiasco By Calling The Cops
Diaper changes in places of consumption — such as cafes and restaurants — are detested for a reason. Granted, I find myself sympathetic to the parent who is scrambling for a changing table and simply cannot find one. Especially when the changing tables are in the lady-only restrooms. What are double daddies, or even a daddy, supposed to do? If you’re Ruth Burgos, you’re simply going to change that tot right there in the Starbucks seating area. Hey, it was Mother’s Day!
USA Today reports that a Starbucks in Denver became pretty contentious when Ruth scrambled to change her son Thiago out in the open. Upon schlepping her 1-year-old to the bathroom, she discovered that there weren’t any changing tables. A Starbucks employee reportedly saw the diaper change session and then got snooty, according to her husband:
Alex Burgos says a Starbucks employee tossed his wife a rag and spoke to her in a “demeaning” tone.
“He said make sure to wipe the seat when you’re done,” he said. “They started talking amongst themselves and laughing about it.”
Alex apparently wasn’t going to have his wife and son disrespected without doing some disrespecting himself. That’s when he brought hot coffee into the equation. Not cool:
Burgos says his blood started boiling, hotter than the venti coffee with extra sugar he decided to pour on the floor.
“And I said make sure you clean that,” Burgos said.
He says they exchanged strong words and hand gestures.
Starbucks then called the police to report a “disturbance” and officers did show up. No arrested were made though. The company has since apologized to the family, but no word yet on if Starbucks plans to throw in some changing tables. Would be an awesome Mother’s Day gift. Hint, hint.
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(photo: dailin / Shutterstock)