16 Sleep Positions And What They Say About You
Ever wonder what your sleeping position says about you? You’d be surprised. It’s nothing that you can control. When you are asleep you are your most authentic self. There is no pretense or thought of what anyone is thinking, you simply exist in all of your glory. Well, we’ve come up with 16 Sleep Positions And What They Say About You list.
You do things that you might not otherwise do if you were awake. Some people snore, fart, talk and even snort in their sleep. People sleep in so many different positions and each position says something about your personality; about who you really are when no one is paying attention, including yourself.
The Drunk
If you are sleeping like a broken Barbie doll in the bottom floor of an abandoned Barbie dream home, you might be sleeping in ”the drunk” position. This sleeping position lets the world know that you are not only up for a good time but you are probably a drunk. This is how one achieves the Andy Challenge, broken Barbie effect. One simply passes out wherever they feel the need. Maybe they had too many cocktails at happy hour or maybe they are just a deep sleeping narcoleptic, either way if they are sleeping in the drunk position they are certainly who you’d call for a good time.
The Fetus
The fetus sleeping position reminds me of how one feels after a long day of battling the stomach flu. You’re trying to pull your knees into your body to get some comfort but it doesn’t seem to be working. This sleeping position signals that you have had a bad day. Maybe you’re a mom who hasn’t slept in 12-years, maybe you just found out that you’re pregnant with unexpected baby #5 or maybe you just dropped your first born off at kindergarten and you couldn’t find a private place to collapse and cry about it. What this sleeping position tells the world about you is that you have a lot of strong feelings and sometimes it’s ok to cry about Kim K and Kanye and the state of the world.
The Running Man
The running man sleeping position is one you assume after a long night at the club when you just can’t stop dancing. When you Juju on that beat all day long, sometimes it’s hard to stop just because you go to sleep. The heart wants what the heart wants, and so do those dancing feet. A person who sleeps in the running man position is probably the life of the party. How could they not be? This is the person who is fun and light nature, a bit of a free spirit. Anyone who sleeps in the running man position is probably a great person to go on long road trips with because they can always see the positive in any situation.
The Princess
When you’re ready for bed and you’re trying to look good doing it. Don’t want to muss the hair. This sleeping position says that you might be a little vain but you take a lot of pride in who you are. Just laying around looking perfect waiting for Prince Charming to come and kiss you. The devil is in the details and the person who sleeps in this position can be ready at a moment’s notice to do whatever needs to be done. This person is a go-getter and a flawless overachiever. Seeking perfection while making things happen. A person who sleeps in this position, however, may put so much pressure on themselves that they may be a bit uptight.
The Beauty Queen
Got to get that beauty rest. This position says that you have people to see, places to go and things to do. You are a winner. You are goal oriented and you want perfection but you are relaxed enough to lay back and let things work themselves out. Though you have always had it easy and things always seem to work out in your favor, you still believe that you can have it all. You believe that where there is a will, there is always a way. The woman who sleeps in the position is an eternal optimist and probably hides cookies in her nightstand, just in case.
The Belly Flop
The belly flop sleeping position is one of sheer defeat and giving up. Sleeping on your stomach in the belly flop position signals to the world that you just don’t care anymore. You’ve tried your best and maybe things are just not meant to work out in your favor. Sure, you love having nice things and going for it but at the end of the day, you just always seem to end up in a state of Eeyore-ness. People who generally sleep in this position are teachers, feminists and parents. One other characteristic of those who sleep in the belly flop position are that they don’t care what others think about them.
Dead Mom Walking
The dead mom walking position is one that reflects momentary surrender. This sleeping position tells the world that you are an exhausted mom who is in desperate need of a nap. Most people who sleep in this position are great multi-taskers who have limited free time and lots of obligations. For example, a new mom who just gave birth to twins but is also running a thriving business from home. She starts off her day excited and ready to give it her all but about 6 diapers, 3 conference calls, a couple deadlines and several feedings into the day, she’s waving the white flag while planning her next move. She may cry uncle from time to time but she never gives up entirely on herself.
The Reverse Wonder Woman
When I think of this sleeping position, the first thing I think of is Wonder Woman. But instead of hands on hips to demonstrate fierce opposition to anything that stands in her way, the reverse Wonder Woman has the sleeping person’s hands up in the air. Instead of fierce opposition, this person has the ”if you can’t beat them, join them” attitude. This is not weakness; this is conformity because not everything needs to be a fight. This person is affable, friendly and willing to jump in at a moment’s notice to help you out. She might not have a cape or an invisible jet but she does have a knack for making life easier.
The Leaning Tree
The leaning tree sleeping position is one of the weirdest ones I’ve ever seen. It looks highly uncomfortable and extremely rigid. One might incorrectly assume that the person who sleeps in this position is unbendable in their beliefs and way of thinking but they would be wrong. This position says, quite the opposite. This sleeping position says Namaste. This person is not afraid to go through some pain and do the work to get to the right position in life. I imagine the person who sleeps in this position to be spiritually flexible, enlightened and open to new experiences.
Together Forever
People who sleep in the together forever position are invested in their relationship but keep people are an arm’s length. This sleeping position involved turning in towards your partner; facing them in a really open and honest way. It’s not quite a cuddle but it’s definitely in the direction of being affectionate. This position allows the people involved to look deeply and intentionally into their partner’s eyes and soul. It also allows for open lines of communication so that you can talk to one another. Couples who sleep in this position are open to growing as people and as a community.
I Love You But I Don’t Like You Right Now
This position says that things might not be perfect in your marriage right now but you’re still in it. If you weren’t you’d be in another room or gone entirely. Marriages and relationships all ebb and flow. We’re not always happy or always sad, this is that magical mid-section where you have the opportunity to still work on it. People who sleep in this position are hot tempered and do keep things bottled up. Why make a fuss when you don’t need to? Yet, they are also passionate and dedicated to the people they love. These couple are the ones who stick it out through thick and thin.
Marital Bliss
If ever there was a sleeping position that we should all strive towards, it would be marital bliss. This position says that things are going good. Your relationship is in sync. Couples who sleep in this position are probably new couples or ones that don’t yet have kids. People who sleep in this position are generally happy and calm. Who wouldn’t be after spending all that time spooning? They nose kiss and call each other funny little nick names like snookums. They are the couple that you love to hate because they are so sugary sweet. But they are deep and committed and people don’t always give them the credit they deserve.
Addicted To Tech
This sleeping position says that even when you go to sleep you still can’t turn off your tech. You are afraid that you might miss a text, email or FB status update. People who sleep in this position suffer from insomnia, can be irritable and don’t necessarily play well with others. They are impatient and always waiting for the other foot to drop. The person who sleeps in this position is probably a high powered executive, over achieving type who believes the sky is the limit for them. With social media they can make all their dreams come true but at what cost?
Rise And Shine
This sleeping position tells the world that you are a morning person. You even sleep stretching it out because you can’t wait to get up and meet the new day. You are an optimist and you see every new day as an opportunity to succeed. Your friends love to be around you because you are like a ray of sunshine to all those you know. You don’t need coffee to start your day. This person wakes up happy to be alive another day and they are thankful for each new day. I imagine cheerleaders to be in this category.
The Angry Wife
This sleeping position tell us a lot about the person who sleeps in this position. If you are laying in the angry wife, you’re probably sleeping with a snorer. Life is not optimal. You are constantly exhausted and sometimes that exhaustion makes you do crazy things like kicking your husband in his sleep or holding his nose just so he stops breathing long enough to stop snoring and switch positions. During the day time, this angry wife is amazing. She loves her spouse and she loves her kids. She’s the mom who gives everything to her family but loves her sleep. When you take away her sleep, she is transformed into an angry beast.
The Starfish
Ever heard the term ”Starfish” in reference to a sleeping position before? I hadn’t and I’m afraid to Google it, now that I’ve said it out loud. This sleeping position says that you are a boss. You don’t need approval from anyone. You take what you want and you know that there is nothing that you can’t do. The woman who sleeps in the starfish position is fierce, stubborn and unmovable. You can try to negotiate with her but this lady’s got a strong mind and knows what she wants. She is very serious in her work and in her play.
No matter which of the 16 Sleep Positions and What They Say About You categories you fall into, your sleep position says a lot about you and the kind of person you are to the core.
Of the 16 Sleep Positions And What They Say About You list, which do you say most closely resembles you?