Shutterfly Mistakenly Congratulates Users On Their Non-Existent Babies – Internet Freaks Out
This week, Shutterfly mistakenly sent out a mass email intended for new parents. New parents weren’t the only ones who received it though, and many people were pissed. It was an e-card congratulating the recipient on his/her new baby. Everyone seriously needs to calm down. It was a mistake, people.
I’ve had three miscarriages. I had a seriously long bout of infertility that I was certain for a time would leave me childless. If I had gotten this email during that time, it would have stung. It still wouldn’t have made me completely oblivious to the fact that errors happen.
I get so much spam email it’s unreal. I’ve never had a penis enlargement. I definitely can’t afford a Lexus, so I’m not sure how they got my email. In these cases, I’m always a little more concerned about how these parties got my email to begin with – rather than being personally offended by the content. Weight loss programs, aging singles sites – thanks Internet. It happens to all of us. At least Shutterfly is responding with some pretty swift damage control:
Please accept our most sincere apologies. We mistakenly sent an email that was intended only for new parents who recently made baby-related purchases at Shutterfly. We’re truly sorry if you received this email in error. We realize this is a very sensitive issue and we did not mean to upset you in any way. We care about our customers above all else and have taken measures to ensure this will not happen again. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at and we’ll get back to you.
A quick visit to their Twitter page will show that they have responded to every, single Tweet they got about the incident. Every, single one.
I understand people who are infertile or people who have no desire to have children being offended by this. But sometimes you really just need to take a step back and think about what the intent was. This was not a personal attack – it was an error. I don’t think there is anything wrong with alerting Shutterfly to their mistake and I am really glad they apologized. But, I think anything beyond that is just silly. I just don’t think there was any ill intention here – and intention means a lot in my book.
(photo: Shutterfly)