Send Us Your Most Embarrassing Mom Story, Enter To Win A $250 WaySpa Gift Card

As mothers, we often have mortifying stories to share. There is the twinge of shame that only a mother can feel when her breast milk squirts across the room or her five-year-old asks for a detailed explanation regarding the tampon in her purse. We know you have them and we at Mommyish want to hear them.

So, send us your absolute worst moments of cringing and blushing to entries AT mommyish dot com. And, from now until May 31, any story you send in will enter you to win a $250 gift certificate redeemable for a variety of services at any WaySpa around the country. While we’ll always welcome your embarrassing stories of being a mom, only entries received by 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2011 will be entered to win. You must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the U.S. to win (full terms and conditions here). Plus, we’ll publish our favorite entries right here on Mommyish.

We can’t wait to read your stories — and share some of our own.


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