Top 10 Best ‘Selfie Olympics’ Pictures
Have y’all seen the newest meme, the so-called “selfie olympics”? Only three days old, and it’s already become a viral hit with teens on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Some of the pictures are impressive, but much like this meme’s predecessor planking, it looks pretty damn dangerous. That being said, I think this trend is a little refreshing, considering the controversy about the whole “are selfie narcissism?” debate.
According to Business Insider, The selfie olympics Facebook page had reached 30,000 likes, but a quick search shows that the original page must have been taken down, because I could only find one with 7,000. Still pretty impressive. There are also over 30,000 selfie olympics photos on Instagram and it’s trending on Twitter.
The pictures are often not for the faint of heart. Below are my top 10 favorites, But seriously, don’t try this at home, kids.
10. This looks a little fishy
Yes, I know that was pretty cheesy. I’ll see myself out.
9. Selfie party
There is just so much going on here. The dude in the bathtub totally reminds me of Pierre Escorgot from All That (remember that!?) but my favorite part is that they’re all playing video games, even bathtub guy.
8. Salon Cat
There is nothing not awesome about this photo.
7. The Selfie Chef
Who doesn’t cook up a little breakfast in the bathroom, amirite?
6. Mirror Dude
Where did he even come up with this idea? Regardless, I like the way he thinks. Go big or go home.
5. Moppy McGee
This picture is labeled “Chief Keef” but I think it looks like that rejected mop from the “Who’s That Lady” Swiffer commercial. Don’t worry Moppy, you’ll find someone.
4. Lawn Mower. Yes, seriously
All I can think is “didn’t this make a huge mess?”
3. Umbrella Selfie
Doesn’t he know that this is bad luck!?
2. A Sleepy Selfie
Typical dude, no sheets on his bed. Tsk, tsk.
1. Annoyed dog is not amused at your antics
but he will still give you a peace sign, just because.
(All image: Facebook)