Amazing Video Shows Dog Trained To Protect Owner From Seizure Injuries
“We don’t deserve dogs,” is the resounding reply on this cute viral video showing a dog who is trained to protect his human from seizure-related injuries. Though there’s not much information about the woman or dog featured, the video speaks for itself. In it, you can see a woman displaying what a seizure would like and her dog pushing his body underneath her head to protect it from hitting the ground too hard.
Check out the video below:
This good boy is trained to protect his hooman’s head from slamming to the ground when she’s having a seizure.
— Akki (@akkitwts) December 3, 2019
Upon more research, the video can be traced back to 2017 when YT channel Rumble Viral posted it. According to the owner, she had Traumatic Brain Injury, meaning bumping her head during a seizure could be exceedingly harmful. Additionally, the Weimaraner/English Labrador’s name is Colt! “Seizure alert cannot be trained, it’s a natural instinct. The dog can either do it or it can’t,” the owner described. “Training never really stops, but he was considered a fully trained service dog after a little over a year and a half.”
Seizure alert service dogs are trained to help the nearly 65 million global population with epilepsy. Along with performing tasks like the one shown in the video, seizure alert service dogs can warn their companion that they’re going to have a seizure, fetch communication devices for their owner to use to call for emergency services, or alerting someone else in the home that the person is experiencing a seizure, according to Canine Partners For Life.