Plastic Surgery Voucher Mom Back Again With Botox-Themed Children’s Parties For All
Bear in mind, this is the press-happy mother who hopped into headlines to announce that she was promising her daughter an adult boob job on her seventh birthday. She also placed a liposuction voucher in her kiddie’s Christmas stocking. Naturally, the reported “Human Barbie” Sarah Burge is upping the stakes with a plan to host little girls’ pageants parties at botox clinics.
The little girls won’t be partaking in any emotion-freezing procedures just yet. But they can enjoy a range of other Toddlers & Tiaras services like spray tanning and hair extension. Sarah says that these offerings can give young girls that so sorely needed “wow factor,” inspired from her own daughter’s beauty-themed birthday party last year. Should those eight to 13-year-olds like what they say, they too can return in a few years for their first breast augmentation or perhaps some filler.
Given the uptick in fancy spa treatments, bikini waxes, and routine manicures for toddler girls in the States, it’s difficult to deny that there is a market for this particular brand of parental insanity. Where there are mothers and fathers warped enough to put their tween daughter on track for that teenage nose job, there are certainly those willing to cash in.